Friday, May 30, 2014


The company goes by: Better Business, Cleaner Environment, and Better Lives. They are the world leader in industrial enzymes and microorganisms. They have half of the world market in enzymes and microorganisms. They employee 5,200 people worldwide. The company is $1.8 billion company with 14% going to R&D. They have 700 products in 130 countries in 30 industries. 60% of their business is related to agriculture. Their three big sections are BioAg, BioPharma, and Biologicals. They do 15 repetitions for each study that they do in the air conditioned, climate controlled greenhouse. They do not do field tests all studies are done in the lab. They have no transgenic plants and all of their products are general use.

This business was somewhat confusing for me but it was an interesting concept behind the research. The random placement in the greenhouse was something else that I was unsure of. Although the plants are in a trial there is no research on how they will preform in the environment without the protection of a greenhouse.

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